Being active on Social Media is no longer optional for Small Businesses.

74% of consumers rely on Social Media to guide their purchasing decisions. With the Internet, Global Shipping and Social Media, consumers now have an endless amount of options when it comes to choosing what goods they purchase. They also have the ability to influence how others perceive your brand. More and more consumers are relying heavily on reviews from regular shoppers, they are also using Social Media to amplify their voices when they feel they have been mistreated by a brand. That is why now, more than ever it is imperative to have a strong Social Media Strategy for your small business

How I can help you

Harley House Media offers a wide range of social media services.
Everything from full service management to coaching/lessons or even just content creation. 

Social Media Management

With my Social Media Management packages I can step in and look after as much or as little as you need. My management packages include everything from strategy, planning, content creation and posting to engagement, stories and more.

& Lessons

Are you eager and wanting to look after your own socials you just need a little help getting started? Book a one on one session and we can go over everything from how to strategize and plan your content to basics like how to actually post or finding trending audios. 

Content Strategy

Struggling with what to post? I can create a custom content strategy for you that will not only layout what to post, but teach you how to create and plan content that get’s results.

Content Creation

Need help creating graphics for your posts? Let me help you out. I can look after getting your brand guide set up in Canva and creating post templates. Or if you want to be fully hands-off I can create your posts for you. 

Are you ready to chat about your Social Media needs? 

What some of my clients are saying about my work

Need post ideas?

Look no further than my monthly content planners. Each month I release a new content calendar that is jam packed with everything you need to handle your socials like a pro all month long! 

Each planner comes with a goal/tracking sheet to keep you on track. Deciding what your goals and priorities for the month is the first step in deciding what to post and how to determine if you are seeing any success. Once you set your goals then it’s just a matter of dropping in your start of the month statistics. 

Next you will find a full months of content prompts, as well as all of the social media holidays. Then you will find a blank content planner for the month for you to map out and plan your content. The planner is broken down by each week and you can even track your likes, saves, and shares right there, so there is never any guessing as to what content performed the best. 

Finally each calendar comes with a bonus. Whether it’s reel ideas, caption hooks, or information about a new feature, every month there will be a value packed bonus added. 

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