Social Media doesn’t replace a website. 

Did you know that you don’t own your Social Media profiles? They are at risk of being blocked, banned or stolen all the time. Having a website is a way to protect yourself against losing that connection with your clientele. 

A website will let you collect email addresses so you can expand your marketing to email. It gives you a place to direct your Social Media channels, increasing your chances of making a sale. It will help you show up in Google search, and it can help answer FAQ. Most of all it lets you showcase your brand and what makes you unique to your potential customers and makes your brand more credible. 

Client Work

Here are just a few examples of some of the work I have done for clients. 

RockWalk Park
This is a WordPress website that utilizes dynamic QR codes to link exhibits in the park to their description on the website. 

Andean Drilling
Built as a GoDaddy Builders site. This site is the perfect example of a quick build to get you up and running. 

Northern Select Mushrooms
This site was built on the Square platform to utilize its e-commerce functions. 

Are you ready to level up?

Having an attractive, easy to navigate website is one of the most important things you can do for your business. 

Whether you are just starting out and need a new build or if your current website is feeling a little drab. I can help! 

We can cover the basics of which platform is best suited to your needs, and we can get your set up with your custom domain. 

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